Mapping Your Home Office Space
Window Direction
The location of your home office and the direction of the windows within it are imperative for the space to be functional, as these factors will dictate how much light the area receives. While you do want lots of natural light to fill up your room, too much direct sun can cause eyestrain due to screen glare. Plan your home office to face a direction that receives light throughout the day, but make sure to factor in your office hours and the times when direct sunlight will enter the room. Talk to your designer or builder for advice on where it’s best to have your home office facing.
Another thing to contemplate in your design is the types of windows you want. They need to be able to provide ventilation and maximise light while sticking to your vision and budget. For instance, sashless windows offer a stylish look, but sliding windows are more affordable and still look great.

Mapping Your Home Office Space
Desk Positioning
There are quite a few things to consider when arranging the position of your desk. What’s behind you? What are you facing? What feels the most natural?
Other questions to ask yourself are about the purpose of the WFH room. Will you have clients there? Will others be utilising the space? Is your working style one where you stand up and walk around to think?
A common position is for your back to be against a wall and your desk perpendicular to a window, allowing a lot of natural light into your working bubble.
Some people like to ideate and have their desk against a wall. That way they can use the wall to their advantage, as a kind of blank space. Perhaps try installing a corkboard or a whiteboard for clear brainstorming.

Mapping Your Home Office Space
Window Glazing
The glass you choose for your windows and doors will make a huge contribution to keeping you comfortable in your home office all year round. At Trend, a range of different glazing options are available to suit your needs. The serenity range of glazing reduces the amount of ambient noise that penetrates your home, perfect to help create a tranquil working environment. And the comfort range aids in the regulation of interior temperatures and reduces harmful UV rays from the sun. If you’re looking to obscure the view from the outside, the privacy range allows for high level light transmittance while creating a private space for you to work in.

Mapping Your Home Office Space
Make It Video Friendly
Now, since people are dialing in to your home, what’s behind you in your home office is more important than ever. It’s key to ensure that your setup is organised, video-ready and allows you to focus.
It’s also important to avoid positioning yourself in front of a bright window because this will put your face in dark shade. If it’s unavoidable, think about investing in curtains or window furnishings to minimise the contrast between bright light and dark shade when on video calls.
A lot of people like having a bookcase behind them, but this can be a little busy. Perhaps choose a simple piece of art instead or keep the back wall clean-and-clear of objects and mess, so the focus remains on you.
And lastly, having a private space where you can close the door can also help keep your work interruption free.

Mapping Your Home Office Space
Home Studio
External home studios are so gorgeous and desirable these days. Often located in the garden, they provide a tranquillity and privacy that internal home office spaces just can’t.
If you are looking to create a studio, sliding and stacker doors are great for opening up the workspace to the outdoors — perfect for those who like to feel connected to nature while they work.
Sliding and stacker doors also create an abundance of natural light. These large glass doors will make your studio feel fresh and like a home away from home.
Ultimately, a working home office must reflect who you are and be set up optimally for your personal working conditions. Feel free to get in contact if you want to get a quote or speak to any of our window and door experts.
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